

Explicit limits and colimits #

This file applies the general API for explicit limits and colimits in CompHausLike P (see the file Mathlib.Topology.Category.CompHausLike.Limits) to the special case of Stonean.

theorem Stonean.extremallyDisconnected_preimage {X : Stonean} {Y : Stonean} {Z : Stonean} {f : X Z} (i : Y Z) (hi : OpenEmbedding f) :
theorem Stonean.extremallyDisconnected_pullback {X : Stonean} {Y : Stonean} {Z : Stonean} {f : X Z} (i : Y Z) (hi : OpenEmbedding f) :
ExtremallyDisconnected {xy : X.toTop × Y.toTop | f xy.1 = i xy.2}