

Fractional ideals of number fields #

Prove some results on the fractional ideals of number fields.

Main definitions and results #

noncomputable def NumberField.fractionalIdealBasis (K : Type u_1) [Field K] [NumberField K] (I : FractionalIdeal (nonZeroDivisors (NumberField.RingOfIntegers K)) K) :
Basis (Module.Free.ChooseBasisIndex { x : K // x I }) { x : K // x I }

A -basis of a fractional ideal.

Instances For

    A -basis of K that spans I over , see mem_span_basisOfFractionalIdeal below.

    Instances For

      The absolute value of the determinant of the base change from integralBasis to basisOfFractionalIdeal I is equal to the norm of I.