

Nonarchimedean Topology #

In this file we set up the theory of nonarchimedean topological groups and rings.

A nonarchimedean group is a topological group whose topology admits a basis of open neighborhoods of the identity element in the group consisting of open subgroups. A nonarchimedean ring is a topological ring whose underlying topological (additive) group is nonarchimedean.

Definitions #

A topological additive group is nonarchimedean if every neighborhood of 0 contains an open subgroup.

    theorem NonarchimedeanAddGroup.is_nonarchimedean {G : Type u_1} [AddGroup G] [TopologicalSpace G] [self : NonarchimedeanAddGroup G] (U : Set G) :
    U nhds 0∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G), V U

    A topological group is nonarchimedean if every neighborhood of 1 contains an open subgroup.

      theorem NonarchimedeanGroup.is_nonarchimedean {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace G] [self : NonarchimedeanGroup G] (U : Set G) :
      U nhds 1∃ (V : OpenSubgroup G), V U

      A topological ring is nonarchimedean if its underlying topological additive group is nonarchimedean.

        theorem NonarchimedeanRing.is_nonarchimedean {R : Type u_1} [Ring R] [TopologicalSpace R] [self : NonarchimedeanRing R] (U : Set R) :
        U nhds 0∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup R), V U
        @[instance 100]

        Every nonarchimedean ring is naturally a nonarchimedean additive group.

        • =
        abbrev NonarchimedeanAddGroup.nonarchimedean_of_emb.match_1 {G : Type u_1} [AddGroup G] [TopologicalSpace G] {H : Type u_2} [AddGroup H] (f : G →+ H) (U : Set H) (motive : (∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G), V f ⁻¹' U)Prop) :
        ∀ (x : ∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G), V f ⁻¹' U), (∀ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G) (hV : V f ⁻¹' U), motive )motive x
        • =
        Instances For

          If a topological group embeds into a nonarchimedean group, then it is nonarchimedean.

          theorem NonarchimedeanAddGroup.prod_subset {G : Type u_1} [AddGroup G] [TopologicalSpace G] [NonarchimedeanAddGroup G] {K : Type u_3} [AddGroup K] [TopologicalSpace K] [NonarchimedeanAddGroup K] {U : Set (G × K)} (hU : U nhds 0) :
          ∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G) (W : OpenAddSubgroup K), V ×ˢ W U

          An open neighborhood of the identity in the cartesian product of two nonarchimedean groups contains the cartesian product of an open neighborhood in each group.

          theorem NonarchimedeanGroup.prod_subset {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace G] [NonarchimedeanGroup G] {K : Type u_3} [Group K] [TopologicalSpace K] [NonarchimedeanGroup K] {U : Set (G × K)} (hU : U nhds 1) :
          ∃ (V : OpenSubgroup G) (W : OpenSubgroup K), V ×ˢ W U

          An open neighborhood of the identity in the cartesian product of two nonarchimedean groups contains the cartesian product of an open neighborhood in each group.

          theorem NonarchimedeanAddGroup.prod_self_subset {G : Type u_1} [AddGroup G] [TopologicalSpace G] [NonarchimedeanAddGroup G] {U : Set (G × G)} (hU : U nhds 0) :
          ∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G), V ×ˢ V U

          An open neighborhood of the identity in the cartesian square of a nonarchimedean group contains the cartesian square of an open neighborhood in the group.

          abbrev NonarchimedeanAddGroup.prod_self_subset.match_1 {G : Type u_1} [AddGroup G] [TopologicalSpace G] {U : Set (G × G)} (motive : (∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G) (W : OpenAddSubgroup G), V ×ˢ W U)Prop) :
          ∀ (x : ∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G) (W : OpenAddSubgroup G), V ×ˢ W U), (∀ (V W : OpenAddSubgroup G) (h : V ×ˢ W U), motive )motive x
          • =
          Instances For
            theorem NonarchimedeanGroup.prod_self_subset {G : Type u_1} [Group G] [TopologicalSpace G] [NonarchimedeanGroup G] {U : Set (G × G)} (hU : U nhds 1) :
            ∃ (V : OpenSubgroup G), V ×ˢ V U

            An open neighborhood of the identity in the cartesian square of a nonarchimedean group contains the cartesian square of an open neighborhood in the group.

            The cartesian product of two nonarchimedean groups is nonarchimedean.

            • =
            abbrev NonarchimedeanAddGroup.instSum.match_1 {G : Type u_1} [AddGroup G] [TopologicalSpace G] {K : Type u_2} [AddGroup K] [TopologicalSpace K] (U : Set (G × K)) (motive : (∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G) (W : OpenAddSubgroup K), V ×ˢ W U)Prop) :
            ∀ (x : ∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G) (W : OpenAddSubgroup K), V ×ˢ W U), (∀ (V : OpenAddSubgroup G) (W : OpenAddSubgroup K) (h : V ×ˢ W U), motive )motive x
            • =
            Instances For

              The cartesian product of two nonarchimedean groups is nonarchimedean.

              • =

              The cartesian product of two nonarchimedean rings is nonarchimedean.

              • =
              theorem NonarchimedeanRing.left_mul_subset {R : Type u_1} [Ring R] [TopologicalSpace R] [NonarchimedeanRing R] (U : OpenAddSubgroup R) (r : R) :
              ∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup R), r V U

              Given an open subgroup U and an element r of a nonarchimedean ring, there is an open subgroup V such that r • V is contained in U.

              theorem NonarchimedeanRing.mul_subset {R : Type u_1} [Ring R] [TopologicalSpace R] [NonarchimedeanRing R] (U : OpenAddSubgroup R) :
              ∃ (V : OpenAddSubgroup R), V * V U

              An open subgroup of a nonarchimedean ring contains the square of another one.