Submonoid of units #
Given a submonoid S
of a monoid M
, we define the subgroup S.units
as the units of S
as a
subgroup of Mˣ
. That is to say, S.units
contains all members of S
which have a
two-sided inverse within S
, as terms of type Mˣ
We also define, for subgroups S
of Mˣ
, S.ofUnits
, which is S
considered as a submonoid
of M
. Submonoid.units
and Subgroup.ofUnits
form a Galois coinsertion.
We also make the equivalent additive definitions.
Implementation details #
There are a number of other constructions which are multiplicatively equivalent to S.units
which have a different type.
Definition | Type |
S.units |
Subgroup Mˣ |
Sˣ |
Type u |
IsUnit.submonoid S |
Submonoid S |
S.units.ofUnits |
Submonoid M |
All of these are distinct from S.leftInv
, which is the submonoid of M
which contains
every member of M
with a right inverse in S
The additive units of S
, packaged as an additive subgroup of AddUnits M
- S.addUnits = { toAddSubmonoid := AddSubmonoid.comap (AddUnits.coeHom M) S ⊓ -AddSubmonoid.comap (AddUnits.coeHom M) S, neg_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
The units of S
, packaged as a subgroup of Mˣ
- S.units = { toSubmonoid := Submonoid.comap (Units.coeHom M) S ⊓ (Submonoid.comap (Units.coeHom M) S)⁻¹, inv_mem' := ⋯ }
Instances For
A additive subgroup of additive units represented as a additive submonoid of M
- S.ofAddUnits = (AddUnits.coeHom M) S.toAddSubmonoid
Instances For
A subgroup of units represented as a submonoid of M
- S.ofUnits = (Units.coeHom M) S.toSubmonoid
Instances For
A Galois coinsertion exists between the coercion from a additive subgroup of additive units to a additive submonoid and the reduction from a additive submonoid to its unit group.
- ofAddUnits_addUnits_gci = GaloisCoinsertion.monotoneIntro ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
A Galois coinsertion exists between the coercion from a subgroup of units to a submonoid and the reduction from a submonoid to its unit group.
- ofUnits_units_gci = GaloisCoinsertion.monotoneIntro ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
The equivalence between the additive subgroup of additive units of
and the type of additive units of S
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The equivalence between the additive subgroup of additive units of
and the additive submonoid of additive unit elements of S
- S.addUnitsEquivIsAddUnitAddSubmonoid = S.addUnitsEquivAddUnitsType.trans AddSubmonoid.addUnitsTypeEquivIsAddUnitAddSubmonoid
Instances For
The equivalence between the subgroup of units of S
and the submonoid of unit
elements of S
- S.unitsEquivIsUnitSubmonoid = S.unitsEquivUnitsType.trans Submonoid.unitsTypeEquivIsUnitSubmonoid
Instances For
Given some x : M
which is a member of the additive submonoid of additive unit
elements corresponding to a subgroup of units, produce a unit of M
whose coercion is equal to
- S.addUnit_of_mem_ofAddUnits h = (Classical.choose h).copy x ⋯ ↑(-Classical.choose h) ⋯
Instances For
Given some x : M
which is a member of the submonoid of unit elements corresponding to a
subgroup of units, produce a unit of M
whose coercion is equal to x
. `
- S.unit_of_mem_ofUnits h = (Classical.choose h).copy x ⋯ ↑(Classical.choose h)⁻¹ ⋯
Instances For
The equivalence between the coercion of an additive subgroup S
to an additive submonoid of M
and the additive subgroup itself as a type.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The equivalence between the coercion of a subgroup S
of Mˣ
to a submonoid of M
the subgroup itself as a type.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The equivalence between the additive subgroup of additive units of
and the additive submonoid of additive unit elements of S
Instances For
The equivalence between the greatest subgroup of additive units
contained within T
and T
- H.addUnitsEquivSelf = H.addUnitsEquivAddUnitsType.trans toAddUnits.symm